Thursday, November 10, 2011

Goat Agility

Good Morning!
Here at Windsor Wool, I have heard talk about an agility course being made for a while. So every day I would look to see if anything was built, hoping maybe I could try it out. Well, a few days ago I looked in the round pen and saw jumps and weave polls! I knew this was it; I could finally have my chance to show what I could do. 
When the nice lady was finished doing agility with the dogs she started to walk to the house. I knew then, that there was no hope of me getting to do it. As I walked to go nibble on my hay, I heard the gate open and the nice lady was there!  She hadn't forgotten about me after all! She took me to the round pen and I got to jump. At first, it was a little scary but then I got the hang of it! 

Here is a picture of me doing the jump. 


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Leash Time

I don't get very good Internet reception here at the barn but when I do, I try to write a new entry.

Recently, I have learned to walk on a leash.   The nice lady and I take nice long walks around the farm. 

Gotta Go!

Visit my folks!

To learn more about all the other animals at Windsor Wool Farm go to the farm's blog. 


Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Successful Escape!

 Hey Y'all!
I've been so busy eatin' grass, makin' friends, and havin' fun that I haven’t had time to post! 

A few weeks ago I was in a pasture with some lambs my age. I was really looking forward to seeing them. When the nice lady moved me in with them I kicked up my hooves, ran and tried to bump heads with them, expecting them to do the same. Yeah right, I forgot. They are sheep…peaceful loving creatures that always obey their master. They’re not goats that are always wanting to get in trouble. All the sheep are worried about is eating, sleeping, and not messing up their wool. BORING!

So I had enough of their hoity-toityness and I snuck out of the fence. Now that I had escaped, I was wondering what I was going to do. A thousand different ideas popped into my head but one stuck… I could go get into the sheep grain! (I like that better than mine because it has molasses in it!) So I ran to the barn and sure enough, it was there. I could just see the bucket glowing and hear the angels singing. And thanks to the nice lady, she didn’t put the top on the bucket very well. So in a flash I was nibbling away. It was heavenly!!!

But that moment didn’t last long…sadly, my cover was blown. The nice lady was still at the barn and she saw me. The reason I still say “nice” lady is because she did let me stay out for a little while to help her finish up some farm chores. It was fun following her around looking at all of the animals.
Everyone is always so welcoming. Right now I am in a very large pasture with the lamb’s mommies. I am enjoying it very much.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I found a friend!

I have adjusted to life at Windsor Wool Farm and things here are going well! The nice people have been sitting with me everyday. They pet me and talk to for hours. I like that alot!  When the nice people have to leave, I get lonely and have no one to hang out with. Until..... I heard this strange squawking sound close by my pen the other day. To be honest, it sounded like a goat with a sore throat! As I listened to the noise, a hen came trotting over to me, jumped in my pen, and politely introduced herself. She said they called her Mabel and her breed was a Red Star.

Now Mabel and I are best friends. At night when I hop behind my hay bale to sleep, Mabel is right there snuggled up next to me. In the morning when I eat my grain, I share Mabel steals some of it. I think we are going to be friends for a long time! 


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A new farm!

My name is Pickles! I am an Alpine Goat kid. I lived at Leicester Land Farm until today. Some very nice people put me in a large dog crate and took me for a long comfy car ride. As I slept with the air conditioning blowing on me, I wondered where I was going. About two hours later we pulled into a farm that had beautiful green pastures with a large sign that said that said "Windsor Wool Farm". I remember at Leicester Land they had wool and sheep, just like this new farm. As soon as the car stopped the nice people walked me into a large pen with fresh cold water and plenty of yummy things to eat! I am a little shy when the nice people want to pet me though. I guess I need to work on that! :) 

Well, it's past my bedtime! 

Write more later!   